Sunday 4 May 2008

Few drinks, a crappy movie and a nightout later.....

The crescent has dimmed. The sky clear and subtle. No wind blows. There is silence all around except of course, for the chirping of the birds. A dog barks somewhere off. I light my night's (now the break of dawn's) last ciggarette. A million tree watch on silent and calm, the way do every morning. Party time wasting is so much fun. A tree stands alon in our courtyard. Home of a million birds, spectator of a milion dreams dreamt and many more forgotten , silent keeper of lost secrets. I hear the opening of a door. One of the genius student has already woken up for a new day, while I wait the end of yesterday. Have just finshed watching a movie. Don't ask me which and no slangs shall you hear.Cry me a river(Julie London version) plays in the background. The crow caw harsher today, they didnt expect an intruder into their realm I suppose. As I return from a walk around the corridor the crescent has disappeared, the sun is about to rise. The almighty sun is yet to defeat the miniscule moon. Yesterday love was such an easy game to play. Today is a different day. I wish to talk to someone, anyone, share a joke or two but its too early in the morning and no one's awake yet. Many an unknown men died yesterday, many a battle were lost. Many a briths to be heralded today, many a wars to be waged. A million will get bored today and few will live centuries this day, while a lonely boy will got sleep late wistfully waiting for time to stop and let him be what he was yesterday. Strange ain't it, that yesterday's could always have been lived better?