Sunday 5 July 2009

Cleanin the Closet Series - II

Lines from Lower Depths by Maxim Gorky

Satin: Thermopylae! Thieves are the finest people in the world!
Kleshch (sullenly) : Money comes easy to them . They don’t work.
Satin: Lots of people get money easy, but not many give it up easy. Work? Find me work it’s a pleasure to do, and maybe I’ll do it. Hm .Maybe. When work is a pleasure, life’s a joy

Everyone wants others to have a conscience, but nobody wants one himself.

We were honest in the past the year before the last.

We wake up with a groan, and sleep with a moan.

Belonging to the gentry’s like having smallpox – a person may recover, but the scars remain.

I tried it once, getting married. It’s like jumping through a hole in the ice. Once you’ve done it, you’ll never forget it.

I don’t see why we should pull people apart who are fighting. They’d stop themselves when they get tired. It’d be better to let them slug each other as much as they liked. They’d remember it and wouldn’t be so quick to pick a fight next time.

Every morn the sun arises…
Still me cell is filled with gloom…
Day and night the prison sentries,
Watch the window of my room

Guard my window at your pleasure
I will never run away!
Though I languish for my freedom
Chains are forcing me to stay!

There is if you believe there is; there isn’t if if you don’t. Whatever you believe in, that’s what there is.

You have no heart, woman. A woman ought to have a heart. Us men are beasts, you’ve got to… you’ve got to tame us and teach us.

If no paths can be found that leads
To the realms of sacred truth,
Then blessed the crazed mind
That brings men soaring dreams.

If tomorrow the sun should cease
To light the earth with its rays
Tomorrow some madman’s dream
Would illuminate the world.

Here I have no name. Can you understand how it hurts to lose one’s name? Even dog’s have a name…

Natasha: Everybody has it bad. Don’t I see it?
Kleshch: Everybody? That’s a lie! Not everybody. If it was everybody it wouldn’t be so bad. Then you wouldn’t mind.

If a person’s worth depended on how much work he did, a horse would be better than any human – goes on hauling day in and day out without a word.

A person can be a believer or not, just as he pleases. That’s his business. A person’s free to choose.
He pays for everything himself: for believing, for not believing, for loving, for being clever. A person pays for everything himself, and that’s why he is free.

A good fellow can be stupid, but bad fellow has to be smart.

Cleanin the Closet series- I

In this series i shall try to finish up all the unfinished drafts that clutter my dashboard..

The ability to forget events is a man's greatest triumph against nature.... how easy it is to forget what u deem forgettable.... nature takes all the pains to give a man all the experiences,moments and man, alas, forgets... i don't know whats worse living everyday just for the moment, with no fear of consequences or living everyday for the next, to lose the present for the moment that shall never be... man is a strange creature... so unfathomable, so pure, so sad, yet so joyous.. i am unable to fathom is life a tragedy or a farce.... a low blow joke of destiny... the fact that we all end up as dust and ash should be the motto of criminals... in the end we all are equal.. mother Teresa and me... in the end we enter the same box.. have played our parts in this never ending game of chess.... farce its all a sick farce....what does world care for the petty emotions of a non- consequential man like me... why should world care for someone who does not strive to make himself of some consequence..... tragedy alas its all a tragedy....