Wednesday 1 November 2006

The Road Back..

Those eyes said it all, pain, anguish, memory of those golden days bygone when true smile was still possible. Those days when even unknown streets welcomed him and asked him to play with his friends in them whenever they wanted to. Those days when strange trees waited earnestly all day, so that he could climb on them in the evening. Those days when the old uncle at the local grocery shop whom they lovingly called Dadu, used to pass him sweets without ever asking for money. Those days when his friends would cry and wail in front of their parents to play with him and he who had feined headache to skip school would slip out of his house to play with them.Those days when every evening ended with a fight and every morning began with a renewed freindship.Those days...


  1. Those days when every evening ended with a fight and every morning began with a renewed freindship.

    that's brilliant. i think that about sums up the entire post.
    you're writing a lot of reminiscent posts...

  2. "Those eyes said it all, pain, anguish, memory of those golden days bygone when true smile was still possible."

    If ever I needed someone to explain what I feel right nw, these lines would be it...
