Saturday 23 February 2008

With Love, Me

Never forget......shed a tear when needed but cherish the memories. don't let the tears wash away your past.... the thoughts u shared, the dreams u saw, the lives u led, they'll stay. people may part but friends don't..... How i wish it was all the same...nothing changing... sadness is not the answer to the grief..... don't cry oh plz don't cry tonight...u know i am there waiting for u thinking about u.... i would have been with you but life is not all that we want..... i luv u no matter how far we are matter how many years pass.....I'll always will be there right beside you....hope u trust me.... hope u still believe in the dreams we saw......the world that was ours..... the loves not lost might be separated but the separation has given it a new meaning......dont cry hurts to know i could have been better but then i hope u know i tried..........time passes on memory fades away but the feelings, the dreams dont let them pass....... remind urself of every dream u did dream as a child and live it..... remember what u disliked in those days....try not be like the ogre of ur childhood....not the fairy i now but the kind, nice, cheerful being u are.... time flies by and we cant clip its wings like an eagle it soars free over all the place never under anyones control everyone bows down to flew over the deep black forest....the mighty oceans....the twinkling rivers........the huge part white part green part rocky mountains that stand guard of land unknown..... it bows down to none ....hope u don't either...... wish i could ask the eagle to halt but alas i am a mere being..... the world is not what it looked like to you but u can still dream, you can still see the good..... who knows there might be more good than u ever dreamt is strange and beautiful..... memories are a strange thing they keep the pain alive but when the doors to good time open up, the world it helps us reach....the times passed by, we wish it could have waited........ make most of the moment.....moment passes by so do friends and so does life.....what is today may not be tomorrow.... and also remember tomorrow may not be yesterday it might be better......and remember i miss you and i miss you so bad.....but move on......cherish me but live life the way i would have wished for you......i hate tears ....i could never control them and the make this page so wet.....sorry for the blotches this watery stuff pouring like waterfall dont abide by any laws....... i ask u to not cry and cant even make myself stop from it....... u know i was never good at were and how i miss ur lucid poems the fantasies the unbounded lands the quiet river...... u dreamt big and made me see it too..... i thank you for that and want you to know it'll never be the same...... everything will change but our friendship shall stand the test of time........ plz dont cry tonight for if u do i shall cry with you......

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