Wednesday 17 March 2010

The Sun's Charioteer

Henceforth I will try to paraphrase two pages out of the epic poem 'Rashmirathi' by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar daily. Rashmirathi in Hindi stands for the Sun's Charioteer. Ramdhari Singh Dinkar was hailed as the "Rashtriya kavi' or the national poet. In this poem, the poet has depicted certain scenes out of the great Indian epic, 'Mahabharata', pertaining to Karn. Karn was the illegitimate son of Kunti and the Sun God. Kunti since she was unmarried when she asked for a son as a boon which was fulfilled in the form of Karn, had set her son adrift in the river to prevent her from being condemned by the society.

Salutations to the man who harbors virtues of the eternal fire for No matter where a flower grows it is still heart warming. A wise man is he who does not recognize the differences of birth, great is he who has learned the art of divine charity. The real warrior is one who knows no fear, the real ascetic is one who is alight with the flame of renunciation.

The wise do not gain praise by showing off their high birth but earn the world's praises by showing of their talents. The society might mock those of lower clan but make their mark they do on history's plan.

His father was Sun and mother Kunti Kumari. To one of such a birth, life could only provide a a broken wicker basket set adrift in river. Brought up amongst charioteers and even without the taste of his mother's milk on his lips, yet Karn grew up to be the greatest among the valorous. Strong of body, sentimental of heart, merciful by nature,not of his birth but of himself was Karn proud. Knowledge of Shastras and of weapons he had full, with his brilliance he gave knowledge in this field a mighty pull. He prayed in his corner, far from the maddening crowd of cities. Selflessly lost in his prayers and practicing his skills day and night, Karn bloomed like the unknown flowers in a forest. Not all that is brilliant grows in the royal gardens for the nature keeps it's dearest deep hidden in its bosom. But hidden in the darkness how long can the sun hide, for one day with the rise of youth rose the son divine.

Showing off his skills, Arjuna stood in the stadium while the crowd cheered. Tearing away the crowd, Karn stood up to the former,sneered. "Amongst this accolade why do you grow so proud? Here let me show my skills, my clout.Here watch what all I am capable of and realize how little have you explored these realms" With such vigor Karn displayed his acumen, watched with amazed wonderment Ajuna and every other men and women.

With the chants of 'Sadhu, Sadhu' the crowd grew wild. The royals in their balconies shifted and sweated in fear. The Pandavas, Dronacharya, Bheeshma all worried in their seats while Suyodhana(Duryodhana) alone rose up on his feet and congratulated Karn."'Brilliant. Bravo!" Karn then challenged Arjuna to wrestle him in the very ground but the latter's Guru signaled him to remain seated. Kripacharya (Arjuna's Guru) said' Listen rebel,Arjuna is the grand child of the noble Lord Bharata and you young man are unknown. A proud Kshatriya, Rajput is Arjuna. Do not expect him to fight just any man in the crowd. If you wish to fight Arjuna, then do not feign innocence, break this silence and enlighten us about your heritage, your lineage." "My clan, Alas my clan!" with these thoughts Karn fell silent, with bitter eyes looked up at the sky and proclaimed "Lineage, Birth, that's all that matters to the meek. What do i know of my lineage for my might and my valor is my clan. You might be clad in golden robes but your heart are smeared with ink. Do you feel no shame, when you ask me my father's name. I am the son of a charioteer but who is Arjuna's father i ask? If an ounce of pride do you posses then go ahead answer don't let my question go in vain. Reciting your lineage you walk with your head held high while trampling the poor underneath without uttering a sigh. With fear of those of lower births shiver your souls and it is you who asked for the students thumb."


  1. Hah...the bad guys were more fair, in the the way any coincidence why you chose this particular part whose hero has the same name ?

  2. This particular poem is based on Karn and excerpt from this was in our 8th std hindi syllabus

  3. Simply wonderful. Best one till now.

    "my might and my valor is my clan"
    what great words.
