Thursday 18 March 2010

The Sun's Charioteer - 2

"If you dare question my birth, ask it to my strength, to my sun like aura and my armor - earring. Read my history, if you have the capability in my shining persona. If Arjuna is the mighty Kshatriya he claims to be, then let him come forward and prove it to me. I will let you know my glorious clan after I have acquired his bow and arrow from him." Kripacharya answered " You are getting angry for no cause, dear Karn for only a ruler of a kingdom has the right to fight such a mighty Rajputa."

Unable to face the disgrace, an unquiet occupied Karn. Suyodhana rose "It's a sin that you mock him so, a man who glows like a heavenly orb. It is difficult to realize the power of a river, of a warrior for what is a Kshatriya's real test if not his skills? With pious acts do men become great, only cowards forever beseech their fate. Who did not fail to admire when Karn walked ahead, did not a reverend silence fall upon the crowd? Karn may be a charioteer's son, a Sudra but pale in front of him are all the royalties. Is it fair to jibe at such a jewel of the earth, at such a greatness amongst us mere mortals? If u deem him not fit to be brave without a kingdom, let this be heard by all, I bestow over him the kingdom of Angadesha." The spectators went wild as he lifted the crown from his head and placed it upon Karn. He, the poor lad he had always been, unable to cope with this sudden twist in fate fell into Suyodhana's arms. The latter embracing him said " Friend, why do you act so, for such a trivial reason. This gift of kingdom would not matter to me a bit if in return you just give me your hand in friendship." Karn melted with emotions " Oh, to have a friend too. My dear friend, henceforth we shall be one soul in two bodies. The pride you have bestowed upon me, for the first time in my life can I raise my head in this crowd. How will i repay the mighty gift you give me, O friend tell me of what use can i come to you?"

Humanity flooded across these friends, for haven't humans forever lauded courageousness. No matter how you try to pull down a man, the society does recognize true greatness when at hand. Everyone started showering praises on Karn and soon the stadium was full of flowers and saffron. Karn baffled by these praises bowed and the stadium erupted with the chants of " Long Live Angesh(god of Angadesh)! Long live Angesh!" "King Angesh!" Unable to bear this attack to his ego, Bheema said in absence of anything worthwhile "This is the fault of our society, raises anyone to these exalted position. How can a charioteer's son rule a kingdom?" Duryodhana replied "Bheema! You call yourself the righteous yet why do you murmur so, why do you poison your heart such? For how is a man great if he cannot help others, for acts are the true tests of a man not his birth clan. Wasn't Karn correct when he asked you about your father, if you know the mystery do enlighten us so. This fault in society I cannot overlook, this sudden blindness when measuring their own sins." Kripacharya trying to placate the scene, said "Shame, what slanderous talks you are exchanging. Look dusk is upon us, the sun has almost melted, let us retreat to our abodes now."

So walked the crowd singing praises of Karna to their homes. Only Guru Drona, walked separate along with Arjuna "Alas Arjuna, Who is this new contender we have to face now?"

P.S- Karn was born with an armor attached to his upper abdomen and a pair of earrings.

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