Sunday 5 October 2008

A path out of nowhere leading to nowhere

I just saw two movies completely world apart. Woody Allen's classic 'Annie Hall' and Robert Redford's latest offering 'Lions for lambs'. Both are good movies nothing awesome but decent acting fine directorial cuts etc. What this represented was the variety that these moving photographs can provide. The wide spectrum they covered, was all too obvious. But the question that has bothered me since my 9th grade and does so now concerns more with music.

So we all know there are 7 'sur' as we call it hindi music. These sur can be arranged and rearranged in a million ways. The problem is what happens when all the possible combination have been used. What then. DO we stop making new music? Do we make a new sur or do we remix the old ones? I hate remixes by the way. If the original song was good enough to deserve a remix then why do we need the remixes anyways. This paradox is quite interesting to say the least. I for one am wholeheartedly against remixes. I like originality. The beauty of the fact that sumone thought of such a beautiful creation before me enthralls me, captures my imagination, challenges me to innovate, do something before sumone else does. What happens when all the possible story lines have been used. Are there as many emotions possible in a human being so as to feed the hungry mouth of an avid reader. What when all combination of emotions have been tread upon? Where lies the new path? Who comes to the rescue? An American patrol team?( if u have seen the latter movie you'll understand where this came from). Thank god i won't be alive then but the question is so disturbing that it can't just be overlooked.

So what should we do, stop making new music or decrease the rate at which we make music to give more combination to the future genreations than we will today? Do we try to repress our imaginations our thoughts to give a better future. Its like the case with environmentalist. Do we stop living our live to the full to let our children live their lives to the full? Do we become the scape goats for the future. Do we compromise to prevent them from compromising? Which way do we go? What path do we take? Why is the right path always represented as the less trodden upon? Why can't the majority be right? Why the sudden onslaught of such stupid question? Why doesnt this kid go back to sleep? Why does this 21 yr old human being call himself a kid? why the...? So many questions so little time. So few holidays, even less answers and fewer people who even care to answer. Why is everyone nowadays like a pandora box full of questions? Where are the answers? Inside ourselves? when shall they open? who has the key? why werent the answers provided in a booklet the moment we were born.

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